How Nearly Missing The Birth Of His Child
After Drinking A Single Cup of Coffee Led One Man To...

Discover The Embarrassing Truth
About Stomach Acid And Managing
Nighttime Acid Indigestion...

This “miracle of science” is being used across the country by desperate
men and women to soothe nighttime acid indigestion, sour stomach,
and gastric upset even after eating a heavy meal right before bed...

In the next few minutes, I’m about to share a heart-wrenching true story that happened in the hospital the day my son was born...

Which pushed me over the edge and helped me discover the truth about erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion.

See, acid indigestion haunted me off and on like a ghost…

Forcing me to push away the foods I loved most because they triggered an uncomfortable eruption of throat-burning stomach acid…

Making sleep impossible because acid would ooze into my throat the moment I’d lay down…

And pushing me to suffer in silence because no one understood how bad I felt when it struck.

But no matter how bleak things looked at certain times...

Or how lonely I felt…

Nothing compared to the gut-wrenching hurt I felt…

When My Indigestion RUINED What Was
Supposed To Be The Happiest Day Of My Life!

That was the day I hit rock-bottom after a severe “acid attack.”

It sent me down a path that helped me discover the TRUE cause of erratic stomach acid…

And more importantly how to manage the acid indigestion that was keeping me awake at night, stopping me from enjoying my favorite foods and making it impossible to live a normal life.

You see…

Like most parents…

We’d been waiting 9 long months to finally meet our brand new baby boy when I heard my wife yell “he’s coming!!!”.

I Couldn’t Believe This Was It…

And That’s When It Happened...


Right after swallowing the last sip of coffee…

My stomach started churning like a washing machine in slow motion…

I felt queasy...

And before I could sit down...

A tsunami of nausea filled my belly.

Instantly my knees buckled as the acid seared into my throat and set my chest on fire.

I bent over in severe discomfort…

Hardly able to breathe it hurt so bad...

And my wife simply looked over at me, instantly knew what was happening (because it had happened before) and said...

“Jeremy, Do Not Do This To Me Right Now!”

I put every single ounce of energy into forgetting about how sick I was…

But it didn’t work.

20 minutes later we were in the operating room so she could get an emergency c-section…

And the burning in my chest and stomach became too unbearable.

I ran out of the room and found the nearest bathroom because I got so sick...

I Was In The Bathroom Throwing Up While
My Baby Boy Was Being Born

I ran back to the operating room but by the time I got there…

It was too late.

He was already born.

I’d missed the birth of my own son because my stomach couldn't handle a simple cup of coffee!

And even though this happened years ago...

Everything I Thought I Knew About
Acid Indigestion And Erratic Stomach Acid…
Was A Big FAT Lie!

The problem is, most people believe that excess stomach acid is the evil villain behind gastric upset, and acid indigestion…

But nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, if you want to finally be able to eat what you want…

When you want…

Without restricting yourself to bland boring foods...

This unique discovery I’m about to share allows you to…

Fall in love with all the mouth-watering foods you’ve been missing out on because of erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion...

Sink your teeth into a juicy steak and truly enjoy eating great food without carrying an antacid in your pocket...

Wake-up and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee without having to wait for your medication to kick in before you take the first sip…

Eat a calorie-rich meal right before bed and easily fall asleep without needing a back-breaking stack of pillows...

The good news is this can happen without making a single change to your diet…

Swallowing more prescription acid blockers...

And without scheduling an invasive (and expensive) medical procedure.

Even better news is that in a moment…

  • I’m going to show you exactly how this new discovery works…
  • How you can use it to avoid bedtime chest discomfort and gastric upset...
  • Why it’s producing such dramatic results for so many people…

And more importantly how it can work for YOU so you can fall asleep without acid indigestion.

In fact…

You’ll Rarely Hear Of This Unique Solution
From Traditional Doctors Because
They’re Never Taught How It Works!

The way it works is actually very simple.

Instead of covering up the symptoms…

This new breakthrough simply targets the ROOT cause of acid indigestion.

And this is what most doctors miss…

Because what they’re taught in medical school is to treat symptoms instead of seeking out solutions.

The only problem is, this makes battling acid indigestion a full time job which can last decades.

But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be a struggle to enjoy your favorite foods without erratic stomach acid ruining your day or keeping you awake at night.

That’s why I need to urgently explain...

Why it’s NOT the foods you eat causing your throat and chest to burn like it’s on fire right before bed…

The mysterious link between low stomach acid, your age and chronic stress…

And the one thing you MUST do right now if you want to enjoy your favorite foods without fiery burps…

I promise I’ll show you exactly what this new breakthrough is…

How it works (along with mountains of scientific research to prove it)...

And why it can transform your life just like it did mine.

But before I get to that let me quickly introduce myself…

My Name is Jeremy And I Battled Against
Acid Indigestion For Years...

I’m the founder of Peak Biome Inc…

And I was at war with occasional acid indigestion for 17 years...

It showed up before my morning coffee which is why I’ve been a slave to the purple pill for years...

It showed up when I’d take even a tiny sip of alcohol so I hated going out with friends during happy hour...

It showed up every single time I made the mistake of thinking I could handle spicy food...

It would even show up when I drank a simple glass of water!

And after ruining what was planned as the best day of my life…

I Was Determined To Fight Against
Acid Indigestion...

And Never Miss Another Unforgettable
Life Moment Again!

The fact is, I knew it was possible.

Because we’ve all heard stories about brave people weaning themselves off prescription acid blockers...

Giving up their favorite foods…

And making drastic changes to their diet to live with less discomfort.

I told myself if it worked for them, it might work for me too.

Which Gave Me Just Enough Hope
To Roll The Dice…

Trust me, it wasn’t easy saying no to my favorite foods and making dramatic lifestyle changes.

But after hitting rock bottom I was willing to do almost anything for a sliver of hope...

Even if that meant giving up my prescription acid blocker.

I knew it would be impossible for me to quit a prescription acid blocker “cold turkey”...

Because I’d been taking it for 17 years and I’d already tried it several times before.

So instead of swallowing an entire pill and putting my health at risk...

I decided to start cutting off small pieces so I could take only 75% of the pill instead of the whole thing.

For a few days it seemed to be working

But once my body figured out I wasn’t using my full prescription acid blocker...

  • I would get a sour stomach so bad that I’d literally collapse onto the bed and curl up in the fetal position...
  • I couldn’t sleep without stacking up two or three pillows so the acid would drain out of my throat…
  • And every morsel of food was like swallowing a match stick…

Because I never knew what or when the burning flame would ignite inside my chest.

Believe it or not…

Sometimes an innocent glass of water would spark a flame.

The fact is, being worried about my unpredictable stomach’s reaction to food drove my stress levels through the roof.

It was also putting a HUGE burden on my family.

I wanted to give up…

Because when I tried following the rules I got slapped in the face…

Luckily I Never Stopped Searching…

Because I made the discovery that THOUSANDS of people worldwide are now using...

To support their erratic stomach acid, acid indigestion and gastric upset…

To feel better than they have in years...

And to finally enjoy their favorite foods without fiery burps...

I spent weeks sifting through online articles and out-dated forum posts looking for anything to help erratic stomach acid without risk-filled remedies...

I bought every single health magazine on the news rack…

I emailed so many alternative gut health specialists I lost count…

I tried off-the-wall solutions like baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar…

I tested eating more fruits like bananas, apples and watermelon…

I started sucking on ginger candies and chewing gum...

I stopped eating chocolate, tomatoes, and spicy foods…

I quit drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks...

I swapped organic tea for my usual cup of morning coffee…

I tried weird yoga poses for indigestion...

But Nothing Worked And I Couldn’t
Figure Out Why...

The truth is, I was running out of options.

But I refused to give up.

Funnily enough, my breakthrough happened when I walked in on my wife watching a TV show.

A celebrity doctor was talking about the stomach and said…

“The stomach is like a battery
that floods the body with energy.”

I already knew this so I was about to walk away...

But I thought I’d wait to see the demonstration.

And I’m SO thankful I did.

Because during the “stomach acid” demonstration he said the following words that changed my life…

He said...

“If you have low stomach acid,
the stomach will not work properly.”

I don’t know about you…

But that instantly spiked my curiosity since I’d never heard that before.

So before I finished my tea I pulled out my iPhone and did a quick google search.

That’s when I discovered...

The HIDDEN Cause Of Indigestion,
Erratic Stomach Acid And Gastric Upset

Most people think the problem with erratic stomach acid is too much acid...

And the truth is that’s what I believed with all my heart for so many years.

But according to several of the world’s most prestigious universities and research centers using advanced technology to discover new health breakthroughs…

That is simply NOT the case.

Look and see for yourself...

As you can clearly see…

Excess stomach acid is NOT the reason stomach acid gurgles up your throat at night after a large meal…

It’s NOT the reason you get a sour stomach after eating certain foods...

And it’s not the reason erratic stomach acid happens right before bed...

Even worse…

Most people don’t even realize their body is trying to let them know it wants more stomach acid…


  • When it feels like meat takes forever to digest or if the craving for it disappears…*
  • When your fingernails become thin and brittle...*
  • When belching or gas occurs up an hour after a meal…*
  • When erratic stomach acid interrupts sleep…*
  • When bad breath won’t go away even after over scrubbing with a toothbrush…*

These are all signs their stomach is waving its arms to get their attention.

See, believe it or not…

If you can’t figure why it’s so hard to fall asleep after a hearty meal...

If you can’t fully enjoy your favorite meals without fiery burps...

If you’re ready to enjoy more of life’s little pleasures like a tiny piece of chocolate or glass of red wine …

The fact is erratic stomach acid is a sign that…

You Need MORE Stomach Acid…
Not Less!

Now when I first heard this I thought it was crazy...

Because after watching my Dad gobble up antacids for his excess stomach acid...

And personally struggling with occasional erratic stomach acid for years...

I was terrified about the thought of “increasing stomach acid.”

But that was before I fully understood how the stomach works.

See, at the top of your stomach is a little valve called your lower esophageal sphincter, or LES for short.*

This valve automatically opens up so food slides straight into your stomach.

Then snaps shut so acid doesn’t leak out.

Which is why people with a “bulletproof” stomach can eat almost anything and feel fine.

But when someone has a “weak stomach” and can’t enjoy food without it causing fiery burps...

That’s because their LES valve is relaxing and not closing fully shut.*

Even Worse Is That Certain Foods Can Leave Thousands Of Tiny Scratches Through
The Esophagus...

The problem is when stomach acid slips past the LES valve it spills into all these itty bitty cuts inside the esophagus…

So it burns like getting vinegar or rubbing alcohol splashed in your eye.

This is what causes uncomfortable erratic stomach acid.

As you probably already know this can happen at any time.

But did you know...

Erratic Stomach Acid Is
The MOST Dangerous At Night...

Most people don’t realize that if you lay down when your LES isn’t fully closed...

Stomach acid leaches into your throat because gravity no longer works in your favor.

The problem is, when acid sits in your throat for hours…

It damages sensitive throat cells and actually transforms them into stomach cells over time.

This is what paves the way for certain health issues you’d probably want to avoid.

In fact, according to a study…

People with severe long-term erratic stomach acid have a 43 times higher risk of serious throat complications.*

So there’s no doubt that nighttime acid indigestion is something you want to avoid.

Fortunately, it’s easier than you might think to maintain healthy stomach acid.

But before I show you how to naturally control the occasional raging fire inside your stomach…

I want you to know erratic stomach acid is not your fault...

There are actually 3 reasons the body struggles with stomach acid.

Let’s start with...

Chronic Stress Is The #2
Enemy For Stomach Acid...

Most people don’t realize the impact stress has on the stomach.

Because we’re bombarded with news and articles about stress causing hormonal weight gain, and emotional eating.

But the truth is chronic stress can shut down stomach acid production just like a tightly wound tourniquet.

Stress flips your body into “fight or flight” mode which...

Diverts blood flow away from your stomach…

Triggers you to produce less stomach acid...

Relaxes your LES valve…

And reduces gut mucus which skyrockets your chances of inflammation and ulcers...

This is why stress can cause erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion.

And in a moment I’m going to show you how to easily maintain healthy stomach acid so you can feel like a million bucks…

Without store-bought remedies or giving up your favorite foods.

But before I get to that I still need to shine a light on...

Stomach Acid Thief #3…
Acid Blockers

The truth is, powerful acid blockers are often used when normal antacids stop working.

Because it makes perfect sense that lowering stomach acid when it burns your throat, chest and stomach would put out the flames like throwing water on a campfire.

Which is exactly what I believed for years.

That was until I discovered they…

Plus, there’s what’s happening behind the scenes to the rest of your body.

See, acid blockers don’t just rob your body of vital energy by making it impossible to fully digest food…

They also increase your risk for…

Vitamin deficiencies

One study showed that B12 went down by up to 88% when taking one leading store-bought solution...*

Brittle Bones

According to researchers from Columbia University, they’re linked to poor bone health and the possibility of falling and breaking your hip which takes 12 grueling months to heal...*

Kidney damage

Researchers from the Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis found that 20% of antacid users had an increased risk of kidney complications, even with no apparent symptoms and no history of kidney problems...*

Now I don’t know about you...

But that scared me as much as finding a masked robber in my house.

In fact, I wanted to flush every store-bought remedy I could find down the toilet.

To be clear, I’m NOT suggesting that you stop taking your prescription acid blockers cold turkey.

Or even lowering your current dose without close supervision.

That’s a conversation you need to have with your doctor.

Fortunately, it’s easier (and more convenient) than you might think to maintain healthy acid levels...

That's because we’ve discovered a breakthrough that can…


Plug your LES valve

Believe it or not…

There’s a special form of brown seaweed called Alginate that turns into a thick gel or what I like to call an “acid raft” when it hits your stomach.

This gel actually helps lower the intensity of your erratic stomach acid without decreasing stomach acid…

By floating on top of your stomach acid and temporarily sealing your LES valve shut just like a cork.

In fact, if you’ve ever watched foam bubble up on a freshly poured glass of beer you’ve seen exactly how this works.

And it works crazy good...

But even though Alginate will make it feel like your stomach and throat is coated with a gentle cooling gel…

Which can make it feel like you can order anything off the menu at a mexican restaurant without flaming hot burps...

A relaxed LES valve is always an open invitation for erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion.

See, studies have shown that inflamed throat tissue actually relaxes the LES valve.*

Which Is Why You Want Deglycyrrhizinated
Licorice Root (DGL) To Help Maintain
Healthy Throat Tissue...

Just to be clear...

This is NOT the licorice root candy found in movie theaters.

Raw licorice is filled with powerful antioxidants called flavonoids.

They help the body maintain a healthy inflammatory response inhibiting the inflammatory process called prostaglandin synthesis.*

The good news is this is what gives you the freedom to eat more of your favorite foods without gastric upset or acid indigestion.

In fact, during one Australia-based study people reported it worked much better on their erratic stomach acid than a popular store-bought remedy.*

And with those two ingredients, you’ll love how well the body can manage erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion.

But it gets even better when you combine it with our next ingredients.

That’s why I want to tell you about...


Increase Low Stomach Acid

To be clear, I know increasing stomach acid sounds counterintuitive and maybe a bit scary.

Especially when you’ve felt the acid burning inside your chest, throat, and stomach like a raging inferno.

But that’s because most doctors only talk about covering up erratic stomach acid with a Band-Aid solution…

Instead of targeting the root cause of the issue which is low stomach acid.

Fortunately, increasing stomach acid is easy and safe.

Because the truth is, you don’t need to drink Apple Cider Vinegar which can DESTROY your tooth enamel...

And it doesn’t require anything that causes additional discomfort…

Which is what scared me the most.

You simply need to…

And that’s all you need to maintain healthy stomach acid so you can feel “brand new” and skyrocket your energy levels.

In fact, here’s what Dr. Jonathan Wright had to say about these exact nutrients...

“In 24 years of nutritionally oriented practice, I’ve worked with thousands of individuals who’ve found the cause of their heartburn and indigestion to be low stomach acidity. In nearly all of these folks, symptoms have been relieved and digestion improved when they’ve taken supplemental hydrochloric acid and pepsin capsules.”

- Dr. Jonathan Wright*

The fact is, Betaine HCL and pepsin are going to make a world of difference in how you feel after a meal.

But there’s still one more step that’s critically important for helping you win the battle against erratic stomach acid...


Guard Your Stomach

Have you ever wondered why stomach acid DESTROYS your throat…

Yet leaves your actual stomach unharmed?

See, acid doesn’t melt your stomach lining because it's coated with a dense mucus layer that acts like a thick rubber glove.

This mucus is what shrink wraps around your stomach lining and guards it from acid so it stays healthy.

The problem is when this mucus layer gets too thin from lack of poor circulation due to stress, NSAIDS, and other factors…

It can give acid the opportunity to find a weak spot…

So it can reach through and break down the stomach lining.

Fortunately, There Are Two Easy Ways
To Naturally Boost Gut Mucus...

They include...

Marshmallow root

Which soothes erratic stomach acid, coats the inside of your stomach like a sheet of armour and helps relieve acid-related discomfort...*

Prickly Pear Cactus

Which acts like “neosporin” for the stomach to increase gut mucus, shorten the recovery time of stomach ulcers, and reduce the frequency and intensity of acid indigestion...***

So as you can see it’s definitely possible to maintain healthy stomach acid.

In fact, with everything I just showed you…

  • Allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without setting off a raging fire inside your chest or getting flaming hot burps…
  • Allows you to eat a snack or meal right before bed and still fall asleep when your head hits the pillow...
  • Helps you sleep like a baby the entire night. With NO tossing and turning. And NO extra pillows...
  • And even gives you the chance to experience a “bulletproof” stomach so you can eat what you want, when you want...

The problem is, most formulas sold in big box stores are primarily focused on lowering stomach acidity.

Which is why the remedies you find lining their shelves are so cheap.

That's why after trying dozens of alternative acid-reducing formulas that didn't work for me...

After spending THOUSANDS of dollars...

And wasting YEARS of my time…

I Decided To Grab The Bull By The Horns…
And Create My Own Custom Formula
Backed By Science!

The fact is, every time I tried something new that didn’t work…

I was basically flushing my money down the toilet.

So instead of continuing to bang my head against the wall...

I decided to make a bold move and create my own solution for acid indigestion based on my hours of research.

To get started, I knew it had to be...

100% plant-based
and natural…

Without additives,
chemicals, or preservatives
of any kind…

With a perfect balance of stomach-friendly nutrients that let you fully enjoy your favorite foods worry-free…

Because I knew this was the “master formula” that would offer the best results possible.

During my research I also discovered that MOST companies who sell similar types of products cut corners.

They do this by using low quality ingredients or not enough of those ingredients to do anything.

So I vowed to create what I believed to be the best possible formula on the market without cutting a single corner.

This is why...

It Took MONTHS Of Trial And Error Before
I Figured Out The “Perfect Recipe” For
Soothing Nighttime Acid Indigestion...

I still remember all the late nights pouring over countless clinical studies and getting so tired my eyes burned like fire…

The endless rejection after DOZENS of phone calls to manufacturers telling me, “you can’t do that”...

The HOURS spent interviewing the world's best researchers and formulators asking them how and where to find the exact ingredients we needed…

And just how bone-jarring the process of going from idea to final product really was…

It was exhausting!

But I finally broke through and found the light at the end of the tunnel.

In fact, I’ll never forget when the first bottle arrived.

I popped 2 capsules in my mouth.

And that night, I couldn’t believe the foods I was eating.

For example, I love red wine.

But it’s reserved for “special occasions only” because it keeps me awake at night.

Yet here I was…

Drinking the most delicious glass of red wine I’d ever tasted…

Savoring each and every sip...

While my stomach felt AMAZING...

With no sour stomach…

And no signs of erratic stomach acid.

In other words…

I Felt Like I Had Control Over My Stomach!

That’s when I knew my life would never be the same.

And guess what?

I can now enjoy the same foods I’ve been saying NO to for years…

I can finally enjoy a few glasses of red wine with my wife...

I can confidently order anything I want from the menu…

I’m enjoying chicken bites and Taco Tuesdays again…

In fact, I got such amazing results for myself that I’ve decided to make this available to the public…

Because I want YOU to remember what life feels like when you’re not worrying about erratic stomach acid, gastric upset and acid indigestion...

A life where you’re in control of what you eat.

This is why you can now grab this one-stop stomach-comforting “breakthrough” at a price you can easily afford.

So if you’re ready to feel your best and calm your burning stomach right before bed…

I want to tell you more about it.

What’s So Unique About THIS Particular Blend
Of Stomach-Soothing Nutrients?

There are several reasons Acid Guard is unlike anything else on the market, but the first reason is that it gives you the right nutrients to help you sensibly maintain healthy stomach acid.

That way you can boost low stomach acid without the fear of causing even more fiery burps and discomfort.

With Acid Guard, we’ve covered all the bases to help you plug your LES valve, increase low stomach acid, and give your stomach extra support to digest your favorite food worry-free.

Plus we’ve added the right amount of each of those nutrients...

So they’re in a dose powerful enough to increase stomach acid so you can enjoy a meal and experience what a “bulletproof” stomach feels like.

In fact, once you take Acid Guard after your meals, you’ll be amazed at the food you can eat and still feel great.

That’s because this amazing formula contains ten powerful science-backed nutrients to help maintain optimal stomach health…

And gives you the right tools to enjoy eating without worrying about erratic stomach acid.

These amazing nutrients include…

  • The “Acid Raft” Duo

    - This includes Alginate which floats on your stomach acid and plugs your LES valve. Plus calcium carbonate which makes Alginate float even better...

  • Licorice Root

    (The LES Personal Trainer) - To help soothe inflammation causing your LES valve to relax...*

  • Betaine HCL and Pepsin

    (The Acid Boosters) - To safely replenish low stomach acid without discomfort and help you break down protein faster...*

  • Prickly Pear Extract

    (The Stomach Band-Aid) - To boost gut mucus, shorten ulcer healing time, and reduce erratic acid frequency and intensity...***

  • Marshmallow Root

    (The Discomfort) - To soothe erratic stomach acid, armour plate your stomach and help decrease the intensity of acid-related stomach discomfort...*

So as you can see...

Acid Guard Is The Most ADVANCED
And Effective Way
To Safely Control Erratic Stomach Acid…

Like most of the products here at Peak Biome…

I created this product for myself.

Because I’ve dealt with soul-crushing erratic stomach acid for DECADES.

And I’ve hated waking up and reaching for a prescription acid blocker before a simple cup of coffee.

So when I designed this formulation, I made sure it contained...

  • The RIGHT ingredients - Which are shown to help you boost low stomach acid, plug your LES valve, maintain healthy stomach acid, soothe throbbing discomfort, and help protect your esophagus while you sleep...
  • The right AMOUNTS of each ingredient - So you’re getting the right amount of high-quality nutrients that target the root cause of erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion...
  • An EASY to swallow capsule - So you can easily take it right after any meal, any time of day, (including right before bed) and enjoy more of your favorite foods without flaming hot burps…

This is why I believe this is the best product on the market to help you fight the battle and control erratic stomach acid.

It’s also a product people can trust to deliver exceptional results, at an affordable price.

But any time you buy a supplement of ANY kind there’s something you need to know...

You need to make sure the product has been tested AND certified (either by the manufacturer or a 3rd party) so you’re guaranteed that it contains the exact ingredients listed on the label.

This is an extra step that many companies don’t take simply because of all the extra time, paperwork and hassle involved….

That’s Why I Chose One Of The Most Respected Manufacturers In The Country…

I want you to feel safe and confident in your order.

Plus, I want you to know you’re getting the right ingredients, in the right amount, which are being tested using government-approved methods.

That’s why I’ve put my full trust in our current manufacturing company located right here in America.

We go through a very strict process to make sure...

  • Every ingredient is backed by science - You’ve read the studies in this letter, so you already know this to be true!
  • Every ingredient is tested for safety and purity - Once our manufacturer gets the ingredients, they go through a special testing and evaluation process to ensure proper purity, quality and safety…
  • Every production run is inspected for quality and safety tested - Each time we produce more Acid Guard, the manufacturer runs safety tests (for microbials, yeast, mold and heavy metals), label tests (to ensure what’s on the label is inside the bottle), certification tests (to ensure it’s gluten-free and non-GMO), and stability tests (to ensure you’re getting the proper amounts of stomach-soothing nutrients in each bottle)...

It’s a LOT of time and money to make sure we’re going above and beyond “what’s acceptable ” and creating our own standards of excellence.

But as a son, a father, and a husband, it’s a necessity for me. I want to know that I’ve created the best, most effective, safest product possible for acid indigestion…

Which is exactly what I feel we’ve done with Acid Guard.

But to prove it to you, let me show you...

How Acid Guard Compares To Other Products

Frankly, the formulation behind Acid Guard is just science.

But it takes hard work to do the right thing and not chase a dollar.

In most cases, that decision eats into our profits.

But it’s well worth it knowing we’re giving you the best possible product at a great price.

So to show you how we stack up against others.

Here’s a quick comparison featuring two of our competitors (names left out for legal reasons).

I have some great news to share…

We’re Currently Offering Up To
A 51% Discount On Acid Guard!

Acid Guard is a godsend for anyone ready to enjoy their favorite foods worry-free…

Who simply wants to eat a delicious meal without worrying about what could happen if they forget their prescription acid blocker

In fact, Acid Guard is so powerful and effective that word is spreading like wildfire.

People all across American and the globe are discovering this incredible stomach-comforting formula…

And they’re ordering up to six bottles at a time.

So they’re not just controlling their erratic stomach acid today…

But they’re keeping their stomach in tip-top shape month-after month…

And I know it sounds crazy that people would stock up.

But it makes sense…

Especially when you look at all the ongoing research about the benefits of maintaining healthy stomach acid and the ingredients inside Acid guard.

Bottom line, the longer you use these nutrients…

The more you’ll enjoy eating great food and simply living a satisfying life.

So now that you’ve seen the science behind Acid Guard and why it’s on the cutting-edge for optimal stomach health.

And you’ve seen why so many people are choosing to put their health first by ordering up to 6 bottles of Acid Guard at a time...

Recommending it to their friends and family when they experience pleasurable results...

And re-ordering even more bottles to ensure they keep enjoying those results...

Sometimes this means demand outpaces the supply!

Which is a real fact of life since we're now selling HUNDREDS of bottles every single day.

And I'm incredibly grateful I get to touch so many lives...

But it's an uphill battle to keep an adequate supply of stock on our shelves.

The problem is that if we run out of stock...

Some people might be forced to wait several weeks for a brand new batch to get produced...

Which can sometimes take several months if our suppliers run into a bottleneck like what happened during the virus shutdown.

That’s Why Our Biggest Problem Right Now Is
Keeping Acid Guard In Stock For
New Customers Like Yourself...

I'd hate to see you run out of Acid Guard when you need it most.

Imagine finally being able to walk into any restaurant, bar or pub and order whatever your heart desires off the menu…

Fully enjoying every single morsel you pop into your mouth like your experiencing the best day of your life...

But when you come back to this website to get your next month's supply...

You find a big message across the top of your screen that says "OUT OF STOCK".

It's not even worth risking...

So I've spoken with the president at my manufacturer and he’s agreed to let me reserve the right to an extra-large batch of Acid Guard…

So everyone who orders through this page only…

Can stock up with a 6, 3, or one month supply of Acid Guard...

(Assuming you don't see "OUT OF STOCK" anywhere on this page...)

And the great news is that the more Acid Guard you decide to invest in right now...

The more you save.

Because while Acid Guard has a suggested retail price of $49.95 (which is an absolute steal in its own right)...

You'll be able to order a full six-month supply for just $24.95 per bottle...

PLUS get free U.S. shipping (an additional $9.95 in savings)!

I've also provided a discount on our three-month and one-month options…

It’s not quite as big as the 6-bottle discount, but it will still save you a nice chunk of change.

(Oh, and I get how frustrating it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure your credit card won’t get charged again unless you make another order when you run out.)

You’ll want to avoid dragging your feet if you think this might be for you…

Because we’re expecting this batch will get snapped right up like a dollar bill on the sidewalk.

The 6-month supply is my absolute best deal because you pay once and it gives you...

  • The BIGGEST discount -you save $150 (Or the equivalent of two free bottles!)...
  • FREE shipping on all 6 bottles (a $9.95 value)...
  • Priority order processing so your order is the one of first we ship out...
  • The BEST results possible because you can consistently take the right amount each day without worrying about saving the last scoop…
  • Protection from future price increases since you'll be stocking up now and getting our best discount…
  • Protection from future "out of stocks" since you’ll have enough to last any production cycle...

How Much Acid Guard Should You Take
And How Long Should You Take It?

Taking Acid Guard is VERY simple.

For the first month, simply take one capsule right after your last meal of the day (or when you need it most).

So you can…

  • Open the fridge and grab anything you want worry-free…

  • Leave the house or go out with friends without carrying an antacid in your pocket…

  • Enjoy a good night’s rest without sleeping on a stack of pillows…

  • Eat your favorite dessert and fully enjoy every bite…

  • Absorb more nutrients by fully digesting your food so you can enjoy more all-day energy...

  • Experience all the other wonderful benefits of having healthy stomach acid!

Now, that’s what some people do, and it works great...

But I’d Like Offer You A Special Discount When You Try My “90-Day Gastro Relief” Challenge…
For Even Better Results...

When it comes to maintaining great stomach health, there are two things that most people don’t know…

  • It takes your body time to get comfortable with the right amount of stomach acid…
  • Your results improve DRAMATICALLY if you give your body exactly what it needs…

That’s why I recently increased my recent order of Acid Guard…

And why I want to hand you a GREAT deal if you join my “90 Day Gastro Relief Challenge”.

This challenge is for people who want the BEST results, and it goes like this...

Phase #1:

In the first month, you'll take one serving before bed to begin slowly rebalancing low stomach acid. Most people notice less acid indigestion before bed, less gastric troubles with food, more energy, and less bloating so your pants become noticeably more comfortable and sexy.

Phase #2:

In the second month, you'll begin taking two servings per day (One after lunch and one before bed). This is when the effects of healthy stomach acid really pick up steam so you’re feeling more confident about eating dessert, chocolate and other pleasure foods. You’re waking up and feeling like you can digest anything worry-free. And you’re feeling better than you have in years.

Phase #3:

In the final month, you'll increase to three servings per day (After breakfast, after lunch, before bed). You'll be able to eat more of the foods you love guilt-free, enjoy a “bullet-proof” stomach, and compliments about how much more healthy and vibrant you look.

And that's it!

It uses 6 bottles in a 90 day period, which is why I'm willing to drop the price per bottle to the measly sum of $24.95 each.

That's a 51% discount ($150 in savings)... plus FREE shipping (an additional $9.95 in savings).

And when you're done, simply take one bottle per month to continue seeing results.

On top of that…

Your Order Is Backed By A
6-Month, 100% Money-back Guarantee…

I want to make sure you feel FULLY confident in your order today...

Which is why I'm making it absolutely risk-free for you.

When you begin taking Acid Guard, you'll see a fast, noticeable difference...

  • You'll enjoy waking up and drinking your coffee without waiting for what seems like hours for your stomach to get ready...
  • You’ll enjoy eating what you want, when you want and ordering anything from the menu...
  • You’ll enjoy feeling confident about how your stomach is functioning even right before bed...
  • You’ll enjoy letting your hair down and comfortably living life without worrying about your stomach throwing a tizzy everytime you want to have a good time with friends and family...
  • You’ll enjoy getting acquainted with all the delicious, mouth-watering foods you’ve been missing out on because of erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion...

If you're like me...

Knowing you can enjoy a snack, an ice-cold soda, a 5-course meal or pick anything you want off the menu will be life-changing.

In fact, I'm so confident that you'll absolutely fall in love with Acid Guard...

I'm willing to give you an entire YEAR to refund your purchase if you don't feel like it's worth every penny and more.

Simply put...

You ONLY pay if you're completely convinced it works wonders for you.

Easy enough right?

If that sounds reasonable to you...

Simply scroll down below and you'll see our six-month, three-month, or one-month options...

Click the "Add To Cart" button under any option below and you'll be taken to our 256-bit, secure online ordering form.

There you'll enter your personal details like your address and your credit card information...

Plus you can review your order before making your final decision.

Believe it or not…

This page is just as secure as ordering from any major online retailer such as Amazon...

Which means you can place your order feeling safe and secure your information is fully protected and never shared with any third parties.

So go ahead and place your order below by clicking the "Add To Cart" button under the option you'd like to choose.

Remember, any order you place is protected by our 6-month, 100% money-back guarantee, so you might as well stock up now while we have Acid Guard in stock...

Starter Package

1 Bottle



Add To Cart

Normally $49

Save 20% ($10)
$9.95 U.S. S&H
One-time purchase

Most Popular

3 Bottles



Add To Cart

Normally $149.85

Save 40% ($60)
$9.95 U.S. S&H
One-time purchase

Family Package

6 Bottles



Add To Cart

Normally $299.70

Save 50% ($150)
One-time purchase

The Decision Is Now Yours…
Are You Ready To Finally Stop Worrying About
Erratic Stomach Acid, Gastric Upset,
And Acid Indigestion?

We’ve gone over a lot on this page today. I’ve revealed...

  • Why you MUST increase stomach acid if you want to enjoy less acid indigestion...
  • Why these nutrients are the perfect solution to help maintain a healthy LES valve and guard your stomach so you can enjoy more of your favorite foods without fiery burps....
  • Why it’s impossible to boost your stomach acid and maintain a healthy stomach using diet alone...
  • How to save up $150 on your first order of Acid Guard. Enjoy free shipping (a $9.95 value). And get a one-year, 100% money-back guarantee, so you’ll know if this is for you without risking a single penny...

Now the decision is yours...

You’ve seen all the clinical studies…

All the proof…

All the reasons why giving Acid Guard a try is a great ‘risk-free’ decision you’ll feel comfortable making.

So now you’ve got a choice…

You can do
nothing and give up.

Then look back 6 months from now realizing that you could have simply tried something new and finally gotten the results you’ve been looking for...

Or you can try Acid Guard,

It’s convenient, effective, and works incredibly fast. You’ll enjoy “perfect poops” along with less embarrassing gas, less bloating, and even more energy. So you can finally feel confident about your body again.

If you’re ready to enjoy your favorite foods without erratic stomach acid, acid indigestion, or gastric upset...

If you’re ready to fall asleep without a stack of extra pillows...

And if you want to feel your best no matter what you eat...

I urge you to claim a risk-free trial of Acid Guard today.

Remember, I recommend taking advantage of our 6-bottle option because…

  • It gives you the best deal and the chance to pay once and save $150…
  • It gives you FREE shipping (a $9.95 value)…
  • It protects you from future price increases...
  • It gives you enough Acid Guard to last you a while in case we run out…
  • And it’s risk-free because of our ONE YEAR 100% money-back guarantee.

Here’s to a healthier, happier you,

Founder, PeakBiome

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q How many bottles should I order?

The answer may differ from person to person. But in general…

  • Pick up 1 bottle if you just want to try it and you’re a bit skeptical…
  • 3 bottles if you want the best possible experience…
  • Or 6 bottles if you want the best experience AND by far the best deal!

Also remember that we’re holding a special discount right now, so be sure to place your order today before we run out OR stop this promotion.

Q What’s unique about Acid Guard?

Acid Guard is a combination of science-backed nutrients to help you manage erratic stomach acid, gastric upset, and acid indigestion.

You simply take it at night (or after a large meal) to plug your LES valve, prevent acid from flowing into your throat while you sleep, safely increase stomach acid without discomfort, and guard your stomach by increasing gut mucus.

Q What ingredients are in Acid Guard?

Here’s a list of the actual label so you can see everything in exact detail :)

Q What’s the best way to take Acid Guard?

For the best results with Acid Guard take 2 capsules right before bed and at any other time during the day you feel gastric upset (max 6 capsules per day). This is the dose most people find adequate simply because taking more with a single meal doesn’t give you a bigger benefit. Plus you’ll receive more information on how to use the product upon ordering.

Q How long will it take before I feel the benefits?

This is different for everyone. Many people notice a difference in 2-3 days, while others may take a week or longer. It’s important to continue taking it to continue experiencing the benefits of it.

Q How safe is Acid Guard? Are there any side effects?

Acid Guard is sourced from the highest possible ingredients which are rigorously tested for purity and potency in state of the art facilities. It is manufactured in the USA and GMP certified using safe ingredients.

If you are concerned about Acid Guard interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.

Q Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

These nutrients are considered very safe, especially when it comes to allergies. It is also free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives, gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it is manufactured in a facility that processes milk, eggs, wheat, and soy. If you have any concerns, please consult with your physician.

Q How will this product be shipped to me, and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using FedEx, USPS, or UPS. Customers in the United States and Canada can expect their orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 to 15 business days (plus customs clearance times).

Q Is it safe to order online from your website?

Of course! We use a 256-bit secure ordering server where 100% of your data is encrypted, safe, and secure. Our secure shopping cart is verified by numerous 3rd-party security verification systems, including McAfee Secure, the security scanning leader. So, you can rest assured that your information is 100% safe and secure at all times.

Q Okay, How Do I Order?

Go ahead and choose the best option for you by clicking below. Remember, you have nothing to lose with our one-year money-back guarantee. So if you feel Acid Guard is not right for you, we’ll give you a full refund. Plus, if you order right now, you’ll enjoy a 51% discount and free shipping.